Request for box pick-up 1 Pick-up Address 2 Delivery Address 3 More boxes same addressPick-up address:First Name* Middle Name Last Name* Street* Number* Zip-code* City* Please select your Country: -- Please select your Country --NetherlandsBelgiumGermanyEmail* Phone* Previous Next Delivery address:First Name* Middle Name Last Name* Address* Zip-code City* Country: PhilippinesEmail Phone* Box nr.* You will find the box nr. on the address label on the Box. When you don't have a box nr. please contact us.Do you have also other things ready for pick-up like a TV or a Bike than please fill in the field below.Other things like TV or bike When you have more than one box ready for pick-up answer the questions below. Previous Next Do you have more than one Balikbayan box ready for pick-up?: —Please choose an option—yesnoHow many boxes do you have ready for pick-up?: Is the delivery address the same as the one you already fill in?: -- Please select --yesno [field_group boxnrs id="boxnrs-groups" tabindex:1]Box-Number #When the delivery address is the same you only have to fill in the box nr. from the boxes that you have ready for Pick-up.Box nr.* You will find the box nr. on the address label on the Box. When you don't have a box nr. please contact us.[/field_group] Previous Next [field_group addresses id="addresses-groups" tabindex:1]Address #Delivery address:First Name* Middle Name Last Name* Address* Zip-code City* Country: PhilippinesEmail Phone* Box nr.* You will find the box nr. on the address label on the Box. When you don't have a box nr. please contact us.[/field_group]Now you can register your Pick-up.Δ